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2 min read
When Does God Step In and Intervene?
When does God choose to remain silent, and when does He act? Have you ever wondered, “Where is God in all of this?” Maybe you’re waiting...
3 min read
Are You Qualified?
What challenge lies before you? Are you truly qualified to face it, to excel, and to succeed? Each of us is tackling goals, overcoming...
2 min read
If you grew up with siblings, you might have wondered: who was the favored child? And how did it shape you? Favoritism happens more often...
2 min read
How We Respond To Sin
When someone sins against you, how do you respond? I recently heard a preacher say (paraphrased): “For those who have wronged you, write...
2 min read
What Is Your Sin?
How do you define sin? Why do people sin? Does everyone sin? Today, I read this: “When Rachel saw that she was not having children for...
2 min read
The Ultimate Question: What Is Your Life All About?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself: What is my purpose? Do I have a mission that drives my life? And more importantly, is having one...
2 min read
Adult Children
How are you doing as an adult child? Are you loving? Do you prioritize staying connected with your parents and siblings? Many empty...
3 min read
How often do you stop and ask yourself, why ? Why do you hustle so hard? Why do you push your body at the gym? Why do you count calories...
2 min read
How Real Is Your Faith In God?
What in your life tests your faith in God? First, one has to believe in God in order to trust Him. As I read the opening of the Bible...
2 min read
Which Direction Should You Choose?
Are you facing a big decision right now? Which way should you go? Many of us calculate each option for success - maybe to avoid pain and...
2 min read
Noises, Voices & Distractions
If you only had one thing that would make you happier and live a more full life, what would it be? Whatever it is, if you only focused on...
2 min read
The Beginning Of Everything
How did everything begin? The universe, earth and all creation? One commentator said “if you can’t believe in God, you can’t believe in...
2 min read
How Does God Test Us?
What are some of the biggest tests you have had in your life? How did you weather the trial? A test could be a time to stop an addiction....
2 min read
Does God Choose One Over The Other?
How does God choose those who are saved? Does He choose? Do we have free will to choose Jesus on our own? The answer to both questions...
2 min read
Why Was Jesus Christ Executed?
How much do you know about Jesus Christ and His death? Do you believe Jesus was real and also the Son of God? Did He really leave Heaven...
3 min read
Your Life At 30,000 Feet
If you were to summarize your life from birth to death, how would you describe it? What have you done with the life you have so far? We...
3 min read
What Were We Created For?
Why do you exist? What is your purpose? Why are we blessed to walk the earth? What were we created for? I suppose you first must believe...
2 min read
Why We Don’t Change
What thing in your life needs to change, but hasn’t? It may be an addiction, over eating, getting healthy, investing into others, being...
2 min read
How Do You Compare To An Addict?
What are you addicted to? Recently, I tried to be-friend to a drug addict. A great guy, sweet wife and children and genuinely nice....
3 min read
What Will Really Happen In Our Future?
How much do you control when it comes to your future? Can you keep yourself from getting cancer or a dreaded disease? Can you guarantee...
2 min read
What Is It Like To Die?
How does it feel to die? Does it hurt? What emotion do you have as you are dying? I know someone who sends me NDE videos. Do you know...
2 min read
How Happy Are You?
Are you truly a happy person? Are you one who counts on a regular basis the good things happening in your life? Are you really happy? I...
2 min read
How Is Having More Affecting You?
How are you doing in growing your income, assets and life experiences? I live in the one of the richest counties in the United States,...
2 min read
What Does God Desire From You and Me?
At the end of the day, what does God truly desire from you and me? Does he want our money? Our church attendance? High morals and...
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