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Where Have You Been Delivered From?

What is God’s plan for you? Where did he deliver from? What is He delivering you from now?

Do you ever ponder if God has a plan for you? If so, what is it? If not, why don’t you believe so?

One time, God told King David: “The Lord All-Powerful says: I took you David from the pasture and from tending the sheep and made you king of my people Israel. I have been with you everywhere you have gone. I have defeated your enemies for you.” (1 Chronicles‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

David was a nobody. He was the least favorite of 12 siblings. He had a crap job - a shepherd. However, God had another plan for him - and even you and me.

God made David King and a descendent to Jesus Christ. Wow …

What is God’s plan for you and me? Stop and just ponder that for a moment.

What ever it is, I will make you a promise of what it “should” be.

It should align with the two most important commands Jesus quoted: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and most important command.” Matthew 22:37, 38 NCV)

Then Jesus said “And the second command is like the first: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ All the law and the writings of the prophets depend on these two commands.” (Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭39, 40‬ ‭NCV‬)

Everything we do in life should align with these two most important commands. This is our purpose. This is God’s plan.

This is the “only” way to find happiness, fulfillment and true joy - the only way. And it’s the only way to find salvation after death.

So what could hold you back?

Well, are there broken relationships in your life? Is there unforgiveness in your life? Is there secret sin? Are you giving your life your best effort right where you are now?

If we cut loose of all the bad things tied to us, we can run free and strong. Only then, will we discover God’s plan for us. There’s nothing like it.

LORD, help me see your plan for my life. Even with Leukemia, you allowed this in my life. Nothing comes to me until it passes through your hands first. Help me see your plan in it and use it today and for the rest of my life. IJNIP amen ♥️


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