How do you honestly feel about gathering with your family this coming Holiday Season?
Some live for it, others tolerate it and there are a few who avoid or dislike it. It’s just true.
Another truth is that we love ourself greatly. We love the way we live. We love how we live. We love our routines. And I believe this affects our gatherings.
We love our entertainment, food, music, friends, habits and our own time at home - or what ever we spend our time doing. We just love ourselves - greatly.
So if family (or anyone) is like-minded and they live like we do, we probably enjoy them and our time with them. However, most people are different and coming together can cause differences. This is very normal.
However, there is nothing like like-mindedness. It’s a beautiful thing in marriage, friendships and family.
The Apostle Paul once said: “Make me very happy by having the same thoughts, sharing the same love, and having one mind and purpose.” (Philippians 2:2 NCV)
The Psalmist said; “Happy are those who live pure lives, who follow the Lord’s teachings. Happy are those who keep his rules, who try to obey him with their whole heart.” (Psalms 119:1-2 NCV)
If you stop and think about it, the entire Bible is summed up in Loving God with all that we have and loving others as ourselves. (Mark 12:30,31)
And boy do we love ourself.
The truth is, if we would serve with love and forgiveness while following God’s ways, all gatherings with both family and friends and even coworkers - it would be so much more enjoyable.
In reality, what happens is we get selfish and sinful. And if we begin to hide our sin, things even get worse.
When this happens, one can come to the table with regret, shame, guilt, selfishness. This causes a painful divide in relationships.
Another reality is that we will never be on the same level with others spiritually and with the same mature growth. So what do you do about this?
The goal doesn’t change. We “all” should try to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and love others as ourself. As we live-out this life purpose, relationships build, we grow closer and gatherings are more enjoyable.
It’s simple, but not easy. We are just too selfish and sinful to make it easy. But the more we realize this about ourself, hopefully we all grow and improve - and grow closer.
So here comes the Holidays. Maybe this would be a good conversation with friends and family now …
Just think about it. It’s never too late to build and restore great relationships and there is nothing like it.
LORD, “With all my heart I try to obey you. Don’t let me break your commands. I have taken your words to heart so I would not sin against you.” (Psalms 119:10-11 NCV) Help us all equally yoke with others that love you and love others. Help us grow together starting today. IJNIP amen ♥️
