How do the troubles of others penetrate your daily thoughts, prayers and actions? Asked another way, do you reach out to those who are having troubles? Do you help them? Do you pray for them?
When Job was severely suffering, he was covered in boils, had lost his possessions and his children had been killed. He said “Those who are comfortable don’t care that others have trouble; they think it is right that those people should have troubles.” (Job 12:5 NCV)
Now he said this as his close friends were questioning why he was suffering and blaming Job’s sin for his suffering.
As you probably know, Job was not suffering because of his sin. It was a test that God allowed. Satan was trying to get Job to curse God by killing his children, taking his possessions and taking his health. However Job never cursed God.
The Apostle Paul told the Galatians “By helping each other with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2 NCV)
Paul also said “God comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.” (2 Corinthians 1:4 NCV)
So let me ask you; When you talk with other people, do you ask about them? Do you show interest in their life? Do you have the self-awareness that you spent most of the time talking about yourself?
For some, it even gets worse. As Job said, sometimes “we feel it’s right that others suffer.” I don’t know about you, but to be honest, there has been times when someone I’m not so fond of may have troubles and I think to myself “they deserve it.” How twisted is that?
Thank God, he does not think this way. Yes, God can discipline, punish and even destroy sin and wickedness (or allow it to happen). Yet God always loves. He only allows bad things in our life for our good - or discipline.
As you also know, when we have encounters with others, many may not remember all the words spoken, however they will remember how you made them feel.
If you and I spend all of our time talking about ourselves, what kind of feelings will the other person walk away with?
At the end of the day, we should mimic Jesus Christ. He owned nothing. He was not distracted with self. He not only healed, helped and ministered to others, he died for the sins of those who despised him.
He truly cared for others and proved it by dying for their sins. Who does that? All we have to do is believe it, trust it, accept it and live like we appreciate it.
If we share Christ with others, we will leave the other person with a feeling of inspiration, light, and hope. Sharing Christ and offering a listening and helpful ear is the best thing we could do to show people that we really do care for them.
LORD, help us love like you. Help us serve like Christ. And help us serve and help others like the Holy Spirit. May we love, truly love others in all that we do. Help us be other-centered and not self-centered. IJNIP amen ♥️