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Gossip & It’s Affect

How often do you find yourself talking about others? I’ve even seen forms of gossips camouflaged as prayer requests.

Gossip is a form of murder - gossipers murder the reputation of others.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying; “Great minds talk about ideas. Average minds talk about events. Weak minds talk about people.”

Do you gossip? And by the way, listening to a gossiper is just as bad.

Typically gossipers, also find themselves talking about themselves too much. They don’t seem to have a self-awareness of the problem.

And, if not careful, what we say eventually will come to the surface. King Solomon once said:

“Don’t make fun of the king, and don’t make fun of rich people, even in your bedroom. A little bird might carry your words; a bird might fly and tell what you said.” (Ecclesiastes‬ ‭10‬:‭20‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

Somehow, it always seems to surface. Why? Because someone always trusts at least one person and they trust another and the grapevine of gossip begins to grow.

So what’s the solution?

Just keep quiet. Only compliment. And as we have always heard; “If you can’t say something nice, it’s best not say anything at all.”

It’s true. Ultimately, gossip is the opposite of loving others as we love ourself.

It’s interesting that every action in life is always tested by the two most important commands; “Love the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and love others as ourself.” (Matthew 22:37-40)

Life, and self-control really is simple. But it’s not easy because of our sinfulness. Jesus said “if you love me, you will follow my commands.” (John 14:15) Everything we think, respond to and act upon should align with these two, simple, easy to remember commands.

If we love God, we follow his commands. If we love others, we respect them, show favor, extend mercy and offer grace and forgiveness. Solomon also said that “anger will dry up the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22)

Anger, jealousy and lack of forgiveness seem to be the fuel for gossip. Anger, jealousy and lack of forgiveness will erode the heart and eat away at a person from the inside out.

There is nothing like loving and forgiving others. It’s far better than gossip.

LORD, help us control our tongue. Please help us to love others and forgive them instead of gossiping about them. IJNIP amen ♥️


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