How would you define lost? Webster states “unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.”
What is concerning are those who are lost and don’t know it. If you knew someone is lost and headed toward something bad, would you warn them?
The Apostle Paul tried to warn others when he said “God’s anger is shown from heaven against all the evil and wrong things people do.” (Romans 1:18 NCV) God’s anger is not emotion, it’s rightousness and holiness.
Paul said “By their own evil lives they hide the truth.” (Romans 1:18b NCV) Those who live contrary to God’s commands hide the truth, rather than sharing it with those who don’t know it.
The Apostle Paul says mankind has no excuse for not knowing there is a God. He said “God shows his anger because some knowledge of him has been made clear to them. Yes, God has shown himself to them.” 1 Romans 18:19 NCV)
So how has God given us evidence of Him so that we will not be lost?
Paul said “There are things about him that people cannot see—his eternal power and all the things that make him God. But since the beginning of the world those things have been easy to understand by what God has made. So people have no excuse for the bad things they do.” (1 Romans 18:20 NCV)
We have had thousands of years to pass down the knowledge of God’s evidence - creation. If we study it, we would believe in Him. We’ve also had the same time to share his words, commands, love - and justice.
But instead, “They knew God, but they did not give glory to God or thank him. Their thinking became useless. Their foolish minds were filled with darkness.” (Romans 1:18-21 NCV) Thus the state of being lost.
Are you lost? Do you believe? Do you have faith? Do you call Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior? If not, I humbly and respectfully say “you are lost”.
Want to find your way?
Just ask God to help you trust and believe that Jesus is real, lived and died for one reason only - so you could have all of your sins forgiven. So you will not stay lost.
There is nothing like seeing a lost one rescued. But before you and I will asked to be rescued, we first have to admit that we are lost.
GOD, help us see our state. If we are lost, may we confess it. If we are saved, help us to rescue and warn those lost. IJNIP amen ♥️
