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You Have All You Need To Be Happy - Or Do You?

What are you lacking in life that you feel would complete you and make you more happy?

I am seeing more people in their 20’s and 30’s (and older) feel anxious, incomplete and trying to feel whole and emotionally healed.

Deep down, are you happy with your life? If so, maybe this might help someone you know. If not, I hope what I have to offer may help you.

The Apostle Peter once said: “Jesus has the power of God, by which he has given us everything we need to live and to serve God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus called us by his glory and goodness.” (2 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

But what does this mean?

I think the problem many face is that they may be looking in the wrong places for completeness and happiness.

Life starts with purpose and mission. What is your purpose in life? Is it to become rich, comfortable, having fun all the time, looking your best, and having nice things? - the list could go on.

Recently, I’ve been around people where their past is weighing them down. Some experienced things that they fell victim to. Some created their own misery. Either way, our past does not and should not define us.

Our true mission and purpose in life is to forget the past, push forward, and reach for the goal that God calls us to achieve. But what is that goal?

If we could achieve the goal we would find true life.

One time the Apostles Paul and Timothy told the Philippians: “There is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ to the life above. (Philippians 3:13,14 NCV)

So what does that mean?

First resolve your past by forgiving yourself or someone that has wronged you. This will set you free.

Second, focus on your future starting today. Consider how God wants you to live. Which starts with depending on Jesus Christ to save your soul.

Third, begin to learn how God desires you to live on a daily basis. It’s clearly spelled out in his word (the Bible). What you will discover is that living within his commands, will heal you, strengthen you and make you whole - and happy.

Last, pray and hang out with people who are like-minded. These kind of people will encourage, elevate you and hold you accountable to become better, stronger and more like Christ.

“All of us who are spiritually mature should think this way, too. And if there are things you do not agree with, God will make them clear to you.” (Philippians‬ ‭3‬:‭15‬ ‭NCV‬)

And as Paul and Timothy said. If there is something you don’t agree with as you live this new life, that’s all good - just ask God to make it clear to you and He will. He’ll miraculously open your mind and eyes or bring others to help you.

I think the reason many don’t follow Christ is that they feel they will miss the fun and enjoyment of life. I’ve lived both ways. Being kind, forgiving, loving and helping others brings healing, strength and happiness. I still have plenty of fun and enjoyment.

Maybe it’s time to put our past behind us and become a new person, pressing forward, worshipping God, following Christ and asking the Holy Spirit for help. There’s nothing like it.

LORD, help us find the meaning of life - our life. Help us to finish well. Help us to forget our bad memories. Help us to find purpose. This life is just blip on the eternal radar screen of time. Please give us an eternal perspective to worship you, follow Jesus Christ and ask the Holy Spirit (and others) for help when we need it. IJNIP amen ♥️

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