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What Were We Created For?

Why do you exist? What is your purpose? Why are we blessed to walk the earth? What were we created for?

I suppose you first must believe we are created.

Some believe we evolved from an explosion in the universe and evolved from a blob. That takes a lot of faith to trust in that version of life.

That version has no mission, purpose or reason that we exist. We just evolved, will live, then die and that’s it.

Others believe we were created by God. Honestly, both versions takes much faith. God’s creation has purpose, a mission and lasts forever and ever.

As I was journaling this morning, I pondered being home since June 7th - the day I was diagnosed with Leukemia. I had to stay home due to a low immune system.

I’ve realized more than ever that I (and you) are created for relationship.

I’ve enjoyed home, but I missed relationships. God and I have spent a lot of time together - that’s been quite good for me.

I have a friend with ALS, and asked the couple; “What was one of their biggest challenges in ALS?”

They both said “isolation”.

At the end of time, there are only two types of people. Those that love God and other people and those that love themselves, and everything the world has to offer.

This is why we were created - to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and love others as ourselves - even our enemies.

It fulfills our purpose, mission and makes life very sweet.

As the end is described in the book of Revelation, God told the Apostle John to write about those who did not love God and love others as themselves. He said:

“And the smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night, for those who worship the beast and his idol or who get the mark of his name.” (Revelation 14:11 NCV)

As I close out my scheduled reading for the year, I see it all coming to a climax at the end of time. There comes a new earth, and a new Heaven (Revelation 21:1).

And the people are judged, Jesus becomes the High Priest and we enjoy God and each other forever and ever. Satan (the Beast) and sin are finally done away with and everything becomes perfect - forever.

”This means God’s holy people must be patient. They must obey God’s commands and keep their faith in Jesus.” (Revelation‬ ‭14‬:‭12‬ ‭NCV‬)

God’s commands brings life and purpose. Jesus saves our souls forever. What a gift. For God to love us when we did not love Him. He still provides the love. The question is; “Do we have a loving relationship with Him and others?”

It’s the reason we exist.

LORD, thank you for inviting me into your eternal world to live with and enjoy you forever. I’ll be with others who love you. There will be no pain, no sorrow and only love, peace and relationships forever and ever. Thank you for allowing me to see my future with you and others that love you. I pray I may help others see the same future as I do. Help us all to trust and believe. IJNIP amen ♥️


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