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What Is Your View Of Your Sin?

How would you describe sin? What is it? What sins are in your life? What is your view of your own sin?

Webster defines sin as “an offense against religious or moral law.” Where do you get your moral law?

The Apostle James said “Anyone who knows the right thing to do, but does not do it, is sinning.” (James‬ ‭4‬:‭17‬ ‭NCV‬‬).

For many, if no one knows about their sin, they continue. King David said; “God, you have put the evil we have done right in front of you; you clearly see our secret sins.” (Psalms‬ ‭90‬:‭8‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

The truth is, if we truly love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, we will honor him with our mouth, heart and actions.

The Apostle Paul told the Romans:

“God’s anger is shown from heaven against all the evil and wrong things people do. By their own evil lives they hide the truth. They traded the truth of God (Jesus’ death for our sin) for a lie (love sin). They worshiped and served what had been created instead of the God who created those things, who should be praised forever. Amen.” (Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭18‬, ‭25‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

There is nothing like a clean conscience, a pure heart and moving toward loving God with all and loving others as much as ourself.

King David wrote in one of his Psalms;

“Create in me a pure heart, God, and make my spirit right again. Give me back the joy of your salvation. Keep me strong by giving me a willing spirit. The sacrifice God wants is a broken spirit. God, you will not reject a heart that is broken and sorry for sin.” (Psalms‬ ‭51‬:‭10‬, ‭12‬, ‭17‬ ‭NCV‬)

The key question is: “Are you broken over your sin?”

If you erode, deteriorate and sin, it normally affects those who love you - and those who depend on you.

Most of us will not stop a sin and change until we are sufficiently disturbed of it. Why is that?

Just a word of warning. Sin can be exciting for short stent. Sooner or later, it will erode, deteriorate and bring heartache - and death. Death of relationship or physical death.

The Apostle James said, “But people are tempted when their own evil desire leads them away and traps them. This desire leads to sin, and then the sin grows and brings death.” (James‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭NCV‬)

But here is the good news. “If we confess our sins, God will forgive our sins, because we can trust God to do what is right. He will cleanse us from all the wrongs we have done.” (1 John‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

God provides a way for a new start. It’s believing Christ came and died for all of our past, present and future sins. All we have to do is draw a line, write “start” and start following Christ.

If we call him our Lord and Savior and love him, love God and love others, we are clean. We are pure. We are forgiven. We have a new start, a new life and there is nothing like it. I know, I’ve lived both ways.

I say choose life, not death. There’s nothing like it.

LORD, help us have a pure heart and take our sin seriously because you do. IJNIP amen ♥️


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