How would you define Freedom? Some say it’s the opposite of slavery - true. Others might think it’s being free from stress, anxiety and addiction - also true. I feel there is another group that may “feel they are free”, yet they may not be. Let’s talk about it for a moment.
AI has a definition of freedom as something that is not under control or not held captive - I like that definition the best.
The Apostle Paul said “Christ took away the curse the law put on us. He changed places with us and put himself under that curse. It is written in the Scriptures, “Anyone whose body is displayed on a tree is cursed.” (Galatians 3:13 NCV)
Said in layman’s language; “Christ did away with the curse (the judgement), of the law (the teachings of God and Christ) and the curse that law has placed on us. Jesus Christ provided the perfection required (to live out the teachings perfectly) on himself. Why? Simply because of a love for us - who does that?
Not only that, he paid the price for sin - sin that Christ never committed - he paid the price for sin by being punished in our place. The proof was his body displayed on the cross (the tree) - the crucifixion.
The law is the 10 commandments and all the 600+ laws in the OT and the new teachings of Christ in the NT. If a person cannot or will not keep those laws / commands perfectly, they are under the curse of God for judgement and punishment.
God requires a holy and perfect life. Only Jesus Christ provided that not only for us, but instead of us. He then paid the price for the curse (God’s judgement) by being nailed to the tree (the cross). If we trust in Christ, we are truly free.
This is an incredible benefit. By believing and accepting Christ, we trust that we are truly free from eternal punishment and all of our past, present and future sins are forgiven. And following Christ now changes our life today - now.
The biggest fear I have for those who disagree, don’t understand or simply don’t believe in Jesus Christ is the curse that they are under. They are held captive to “the law”.
There is a crowd out there that simply is not concerned about this curse. I know that sounds judgemental or maybe righteous, yet it’s a very serious situation.
Because if that person were to die, God will judge them on their own merit and accomplishments of their life. Instead, they could be judged on their faith in Jesus Christ, and his perfect merit and accomplishements of Jesus’ life. All they have to do is accept Him as their Lord and Savior.
The Apostle Paul said it best: “The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23 NCV)
The take-away? Enjoy life. Chase dreams. Enjoy the blessings. Make money. Eat, drink and be merry and enjoy the fruits of your labor. But what ever you do, please be sure you and the ones you encounter, know about the true freedom Christ offers for free and act on it now.
I promise, there is nothing like living as one who calls Jesus their Lord and Savior. It changes everything.
LORD, help us to be sufficiently disturbed for ourselves and the other people that we encounter if they do not know Jesus Christ. Help us share the good news of this freedom. Help us to enjoy this freedom now. And as we sin, help us sin less and always confess it, repent from it and seek forgiveness. Why? Because we love you and love Christ, the one who paid for all of our sin more than we love our sin. IJNIP amen ♥️