How would you describe praying?
One website sited prayer as: “Prayer is communication with God. We do this by praising Him, confessing our sin before Him, thanking Him and asking Him for our needs.
I think that’s a good explanation.
King David wrote a lot of Psalms and they also could be viewed as prayers. One time, King David opened his Psalm with:
“Lord, do not hold back your mercy from me; let your love and truth always protect me. Troubles have surrounded me; there are too many to count. My sins have caught me so that I cannot see a way to escape. I have more sins than hairs on my head, and I have lost my courage.” (Psalms 40:11-12 NCV)
Other times, King David would praise and honor God. There were many times he complained and almost seemed angry or even depressed.
If we could visualize God in heaven, Christ in Heaven with God, The Holy Spirit on earth and in our body, and even Angels hearing our prayers - our prayers might seem more real to us. I like to visualize God lookign down on me as I pray.
Couples should pray together and confess their wrongs and weaknesses, praise and thank God and ask for things they need. It’s a powerful thing for a couple to pray with each other. God is very pleased with couples that come to him together.
Prayer is humbling. When the creation talks to the creator, it places our identities in the right order. Prayer causes us to stop or slow down and we always need this pause in a busy world. Prayer matures us. It requires time, discipline, love, respect and communication skills.
Prayer is commanded. The Apostle Paul told the Thessalonians; “Pray continually, and give thanks whatever happens. That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 NCV)
You can pray to Jesus Christ. You can pray to The Holy Spirit, and of course you can pray to God. You can pray with your eyes open, and while you’re driving or working out. You can pray anytime, anywhere, with anyone, and use your words common, as if you are just talking and having a conversation.
Jesus himself said:
“If your children ask for bread, which of you would give them a stone? Or if your children ask for a fish, would you give them a snake? Even though you are bad, you know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more your heavenly Father will give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:7-11 NCV)
God hears every prayer. He may not give you exactly what you are asking for. He will give you and me what is in our best interest. He may have other plans and your prayer for your plans may be answered differently.
However know this. God loved you and I so much, he gave his only Son to save our soul. And his Son died for our sins while we were sinners. God will not turn his back on your prayers now.
LORD, give us the desire, the love, the faith to pray. Thank you for hearing our prayers and always have our best in your heart. IJNIP amen ♥️
