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One Day A Leader Will Emerge

What type of leader would you like to see in our country? Would you desire Democrat? A Republican? Maybe an Independent?

One day in our future, a true leader will emerge and all of creation will honor him. It won’t be a leader of the United States, it will be a leader of the entire world.

And believe it or not, today can be that day. No, it won’t come from the Republicans or Democrats or the Independents. It won’t come from this old world.

It will come from heaven. Isaiah the prophet predicted in (Isaiah 32:1-5):

“A king will rule in a way that brings justice, and leaders will make fair decisions. Then each ruler will be like a shelter from the wind, like a safe place in a storm, like streams of water in a dry land, like a cool shadow from a large rock in a hot land.”

He said: “People will look to the king for help, and they will truly listen to what he says. People who are now worried will be able to understand. Those who cannot speak clearly now will then be able to speak clearly and quickly.”

He concluded that “Fools will not be called great, and people will not respect the wicked.”

Wouldn’t it be great to have a leader that did not speak ill of their opponent? Wouldn’t it be so encouraging to hear from a leader that seeks and speaks only truth and makes decisions that are fair and right for all?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a leader that could truly provide saftey, authority and refuge? After Christ returns and after He makes it all right, the Apostle Paul said:

“After everything has been put under the Son, then he will put himself under God, who had put all things under him. Then God will be the complete ruler over everything.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭28‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

It is at this point the believers and unbelievers will be divided. It’s at this point Satan will be put away forever. It’s at this point a new heaven and a new earth will be our reality for eternity.

And “One day” - your one day, my one day can start today. All we have to do is accept Christ as our Lord and Savior today and the process can begin right now.

GOD, thank you for the hope of one day knowing it will all be perfect. Christ, thank you for living and dying to pay for our past, present and future sins. Holy Spirit, thank you for helping us walk with God and helping us to love and forgive others. What an awesome future we have. Just thank you. IJNIP amen ♥️


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