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How Tired Are You?

How rested-up are you? How much down-time do you have built in your schedule? How tired and worn are you?

Ive had to stay home because I have to. I have a low immune system and cannot be exposed to almost anything that could cause a sickness. To be honest, it’s been quite enjoyable and it’s been a good lesson.

During this time I felt great, however about the time I started something active or strenuous, it was a push. So along with staying home, I’ve been forced into a simple lifestyle demanding down-time.

In some ways, our schedules, work, kids sports, even travel and entertainment can be tiring. Being busy and looking for something to entertain and keep us busy can almost be an idol.

How is it with you?

Back in the day when Idols were statues, the Prophet Isaiah said: “Their idols are carried by animals. The statues are only heavy loads that must be carried; they only make people tired.” (Isaiah‬ ‭46‬:‭1‬ ‭NCV‬‬) They loved their idols, but it made them tired.

I think the most famous verse on slowing down and being still is Psalm 46:10 - "Be still and know that I am God.”

Having done it all, I have to say being home, enjoying the house, the property, the simple chores, making the house and yard an enjoyable home - it’s been restful.

Reading my bible, journaling, reading books, going to church (on-line lately), visiting and talking with Wendy, friends and family has a fresh feel to it. Occasionally some friends would drop by and just visit. It’s is all very restful.

I think we need more rest, more simple, more easy and just enjoying family, friends and time with God. When we spend more time with God, he quenches our thirst, heals us, delivers peace and strengthens us.

God speaks to us when we meet with him and keep life simple - with Him. Psalm 62:5 reminds us to "Find Rest In God".

Back in the day, “They put their idol on their shoulders and carried it. They set it in its place, and there it stands; it cannot move from its place. People may yell at it, but it cannot answer. It cannot save them from their troubles.”

‭‭(Isaiah‬ ‭46‬:‭7‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

As enjoyable as idolistic travel and busy things can be, in the end, they don’t really speak to us and fill us up. I’m not saying entertainment and travel is bad. I’m saying too much of it may be.

For me, it leaves me still hungry and if I’m not careful, I will start believing I need more busy and more entertainment. When in fact I need more rest and quiet time with God. Does that make sense?

I love quiet. I do love people and busyness, but I need rest, quiet and my time with God and the ones I love. I think it’s the wiser choice. We need God to speak to us and he is the only one that fulfill us and truly speaks deeply to our heart and soul.

LORD, help me balance my life with less busy things and more meaningful things that are simple, and more worshipful and things that invest in eternity and spend more time with you. IJNIP amen ♥️


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