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How Does The Lord Speak To You?

How does God speak to people? How did He speak to the prophets in the Bible? How does God speak to you?

Depending on how well you know your Bible, you might know that God spoke to prophets in many ways - their conscience, angels, things (Moses and the burning bush), His written words, His audible voice, other people, miracles, past knowledge, visions, dreams, His Spirit, and even through faith and sin.

Today, we often hear the word of God from the Bible, Other people, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit - and some of the ways listed above.

It was documented in the book of Jeremiah:

“The Lord spoke his word to Jeremiah during the thirteenth year that Josiah son of Amon was king of Judah. The Lord spoke his word to me, saying: “Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬, ‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NCV‬‬)

So how did God speak his word to Jeremiah? Honestly, no one knows. It was personal though, because Jeremiah responded and conversed with God - a lot.

So how does God speak to you? Does he speak to you? What does He say?

For me? God speaks to me mostly through the Holy Spirit, His word, faith, following Him and even through other Godly people. God’s words directs, corrects and gives me wisdom.

So what’s the take-away?

If we follow God’s way of living and seek his voice, we stay in his will. We receive his blessings. And no one has ever been able to prove that God’s ways don’t work because it always does.

One thing is for sure - not following God’s ways has been proven time and again to bring about failure and heartache. What’s interesting, even upon failure, many don’t turn toward God and then walk with him.

Why is that? Why do some people keep looking for other solutions, rather than follow God’s solutions?

I suppose they simply don’t believe in God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit - therefore why follow something you don’t believe in?

Here’s my story:

There was a time I was on the hunt for meaning and success without God. I never found it.

When I became a believer, God shared his wisdom, knowledge, insight, success and “the fullness of life” to me - even during leukemia. It’s been quite amazing.

The contrast is crazy. And the peace, freedom and even happiness - and deep joy has been an incredible experience, even during difficult times. It’s just true. There’s nothing like hearing and following God’s words and ways.

LORD, help those who don’t believe. Speak to them. Speak to us. Speak to me please. Help me hear your voice among all the noise out there. Help me to know your ways, desire your ways and love your ways. Your way is the best way. Thank you for speaking to me. IJNIP amen ♥️

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