How does God choose those who are saved? Does He choose? Do we have free will to choose Jesus on our own?
The answer to both questions are “yes”. It’s somewhat mysterious.
Let me say upfront, if you don’t like the topic of “election or predestination” and you think it’s unfair - that’s okay. All you have to do to resolve it is to choose to follow Jesus Christ - problem solved. 🙂
This comes up today in a verse in Malachi “The Lord said, “Esau and Jacob were brothers. I loved Jacob, but I hated Esau” (Malachi 1:2-3 NCV)
This means one was chosen for blessing and the other was not. So what’s going on here?
To add to this, in Romans, the Apostle Paul quoted this verse and added: “God said to Moses, “I will show kindness to anyone to whom I want to show kindness, and I will show mercy to anyone to whom I want to show mercy.” (Romans 9:15 NCV)
God is God and we are not. He is the Creator and we are the creation. Said another way and quite bluntly;
“You are only human, and human beings have no right to question God. An object should not ask the person who made it, “Why did you make me like this?” The potter can make anything he wants to make. He can use the same clay to make one thing for special use and another thing for daily use.” (Romans 9:20-21 NCV)
This means God calls the shots. But remember; “God so loved the world He gave His only Son and whoever believes in Him will have ever lasting life.” (John 3:16)
This should be reassuring and comforting. God loves so much, he chooses to save us by offering Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Yet in the same breath, the Apostle Paul also added: “So God will choose the one to whom he decides to show mercy; his choice does not depend on what people want or try to do.” (Romans 9:16 NCV)
God chooses based on what He alone knows. It’s not random, arbitrary or capricious.
The great theologian Charles Spurgeon was once asked “Why should God say that He hated Esau?” Spurgeon answered; “My difficulty is to understand how God could love Jacob.”
The truth is we are all sinners and God loves the sinner - like Jacob. We are given a choice to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Something will Lord over us.
Something or someone will be worshipped in our life. What or who is your Lord and Savior?
I’ve lived both lives and I will tell you that there is nothing like the pure and perfect love, counsel and relationship that God, that Jesus, that the Holy Spirit and other Christ followers provide for me and to me. It’s truly amazing grace.
LORD, thank you for choosing me. If someone doesn’t like this message, simply put it in their heart that they have a free will to choose Christ. If they choose not to love you and follow Christ, it is of their own free will. Help us to always choose you. IJNIP amen ♥️