What are the consequences of how you have lived your life thus far?
For some, they have good times, maybe comfort, and for some, even luxury - and peace and fulfillment.
For others, they struggle, are unhappy and searching for some sort of meaning in their life.
I suppose there are some that float along in life not really analyzing the big picture of where they have been or where they are going in life.
What about you? What’s your plan for your life that remains? What type of consequences are you experiencing from your past life and life-style?
There are all sorts of consequences in the lives of people. This is somewhat the description of the book of Lamentations in the Bible.
What is lamenting?
It means to express deep grief or disappointment about something. The author of this book is lamenting over the destruction of Israel.
The book opens with “Jerusalem once was full of people, but now the city is empty. Jerusalem once was a great city among the nations, but now she is like a widow. She was like a queen of all the other cities, but now she is a slave.” (Lamentations 1:1 NCV)
What once was the crown jewel, is now a pile of ruins. People once had it so good, yet lived an ungodly life.
Now, “Children and babies are fainting in the streets of the city. They ask their mothers, “Where is the grain and wine?” They faint like wounded soldiers in the streets of the city and die in their mothers’ arms.” (Lamentations 2:11-12 NCV)
They were warned by the prophet Jeremiah to come back to God and have a relationship with him, but no one listened. So as God warned, destruction came and they suffered the consequences.
In the end, as the Apostle Paul told the Galatians:
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (Galatians 6:7-8 NIV)
Comfort and blessings are not guaranteed if we life a Godly life. Even Christ was mocked, hated, beaten and crucified. However, if we are warned by God, we really should listen.
So what is the warning?
It’s simple. To just accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. And trust that He lived a perfect life and paid for our personal sins of our past, present and future.
And if the worst happens - suffering an unexpected death, we will live and our souls will be rescued and restored. We will be heaven bound.
However if we do not accept Christ, the warning is that we will experience consequences for denying Christ and suffer for eternity. Eternity is a very, very long time.
Why suffer and groan forever when we could have so much more. Like Israel who was lamenting horribly, we have a choice to accept God’s grace and love - or not.
There is nothing better than finding purpose, peace and fulfillment in Jesus Christ. It’s not always easy, but it is blessed beyond description.
LORD, help us see truth. Help us see that you have our best interest at heart. Help us see your love. You love even when we don’t love you. Who does that? Loving and following Christ is our choice today. Help us to choose you and enjoy the consequences of a blessed life and an eternal life with you in heaven. IJNIP amen ♥️
